Level 1 – $125
Up to 10 children*
1-1/2 hours
Goody bags
Gift for Birthday Child
Includes party invitations!
Games, music, activities
Level 2 – $150
10-20 children*, 1.5 hours
pizza & drinks
goody bags
gift for birthday child
Includes party invitations!
Time includes approximately 1-1/2 hours in the gym, half-hour in party area for food & gifts (opening of gifts may decrease time in the gym if your party is large, our staff will regulate % of time to accommodate & finish party within 1/2 hr limit)
Level 3 – $200
Up to 20 children*, 2 hours
Goody bags
pizza & drinks
gift for birthday child
Includes party invitations!
Time includes approximately 2 hours in the gym, half-hour in party area for food & gifts (opening of gifts may decrease time in the gym if your party is large, our staff will regulate % of time to accommodate & finish party within 2 hr limit)
*There is an addtitional charge for extra children per party with PRIOR approval from the coach.
You can email storm1athletics @gmail.com with details